Replacing old windows with wood-aluminium models

6. July 2022

Save energy, protect the climate – and relax

As window makers know, the world is full of windows and doors that have seen better days and leave much to be desired in terms of thermal insulation. Shrunken gaskets or  old double-glazing drive heating costs up; too many resources go to waste unnecessarily because building owners do not know that they have a problem – even though general awareness of environmental protection and sustainability has rightly become a predominant issue for all of us in recent years.

However, building owners often avoid replacing old, inefficient windows because they are afraid that the procedure will turn their house into a dirty, noisy building site for days or weeks on end. In our tuulo video “Replacing windows. Clean as a whistle”, a master craftsman and his apprentice explain why modern windows are big energy savers – and why house owners can sit back and relax when it comes to replacing old windows with new:

So, specialist companies should definitely advise house owners that replacing windows and doors will not only save them a substantial amount of money, but also benefit the environment. The fact is that even double-glazed, insulated windows and doors still lose twice as much warmth as modern windows with state-of-the-art thermal insulation. Customers who decide to replace windows and doors will achieve optimum results with modern wood-aluminium windows. This benefit can be measured in real terms using the heat transmittance coefficient: otherwise known as the U-value, this parameter defines the rate of transfer of heat through matter – in this case, a building component. The lower the U-value, the lower the heat loss. While single glazing has a U-value between 5 and 6 W/(m² K) and insulated glazing a value of around 3 W/(m² K), the characteristic U-value of modern triple glazing solutions is a mere approx. 0.8 W/(m² K). 

GUTMANN’s wood-aluminium systems MIRA contour HYBRIDTHERM and MIRA contour integral HYBRIDTHERM lead the way in terms of thermal insulation, energy efficiency and sustainability: their heat insulation values are outstanding. GUTMANN’s cooperation with Holz Schiller GmbH, a well-known laminated wood producer, has optimised the thermal efficiency of its wood-metal systems. Holz Schiller GmbH supplies the necessary HYBRIDTHERM wood scantlings. Perfect technical coordination and compatibility with the MIRA contour and MIRA contour integral systems – using existing profiles and accessories – means that no additional articles are required. The wood-metal systems can be installed in the usual way in accordance with standard processing regulations, so they are particularly economical. A combination with solid wood sash scantlings in the system MIRA contour can achieve a graduated improvement of thermal transmittance performance (U-values): both the MIRA contour HYBRIDTHERM and the MIRA contour integral HYBRIDTHERM system offer outstanding U-values from as low as 0.65 W/(m²K).

Product-specific information and configuration possibilities for our wood-aluminium systems for optimum thermal insulation are available on tuulo, GUTMANN’s digital platform. Want to know more?

The free demo version is here: tuulo App

We will be glad to answer any questions at: tuulo Contact